Can St. Louis be saved?

There’s the arch!

This is a little more off the cuff than my usual posts. It involves a question that I think all St. Louisans have asked ourselves at one point or another: should I stay in St. Louis, or get out while I still can? Should I risk investing my time and money into a city with increasing crime and a diminishing population? Should I bet my fortunes on the St. Louis job market? Should I raise my children in the St. Louis school system?

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Gun Control in Missouri (Or lack thereof)

If you read the comments to any Post Dispatch story about an assault on a sympathetic victim, you are certain to see somebody lamenting the fact that the victim wasn’t armed. There are a lot of issues where city Democrats and rural Republicans disagree, but few of those issues are as emotionally charged as the gun control debate. And considering the extreme levels of gun violence in St. Louis, you can’t reasonably have a conversation about crime without bringing up the subject of gun control. The debate goes like this: Democrats believe that the prolific gun culture in the United States contributes to the incredibly high violent crime rate within poor urban areas. The Republicans believe that an armed society is a polite society. Guns in the hands of law abiding citizens decreases the violent crime rate, not to mention the fact that the right to bear arms is a constitutional right, not to be infringed upon by anybody, especially naïve Democrats who have never held a gun in their lives.

Continue reading “Gun Control in Missouri (Or lack thereof)”

Getting murdered in North City


Last week, I made a post which analyzed our most often used excuse when it comes to our place on the “Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities” list. The excuse goes something like this: Our place on this list is inaccurate due to the fact that most of our safe residential neighborhoods aren’t recognized as being part of the city, despite the fact that they are demographically similar and geographically adjacent to the city proper. This skews the numbers negatively. Continue reading “Getting murdered in North City”

Looking at the data: Is St. Louis really that dangerous?

A size comparison between St. Louis and Indianapolis

If you have lived in St. Louis for any length of time, you’ll be familiar with the “Top 10 most dangerous Cities” lists that are perennially reported on by the Post Dispatch in their never ending quest to harvest our clicks. It’s always a sure bet that this list will stir up argument in the r/stlouis subreddit, and I’ve read through enough of those threads that I can narrow them down into two main arguments:

Continue reading “Looking at the data: Is St. Louis really that dangerous?”